
install scoop

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(‘’)

set proxy for chocolatey

choco config set proxy http://localhost:8888
choco config set proxyUser bob
choco config set proxyPassword 123Sup#rSecur3
choco config set proxyBypassList "'http://localhost,http://this.location/'" #0.10.4 required
choco config set proxyBypassOnLocal true #0.10.4 required

source: Explicit Proxy Settings

set proxy for scoop

scoop config proxy

Note that don’t put http:// in the proxy’s address.

source: Using Scoop behind a proxy

change scoop’s extractor

scoop core.ps1

function Get-HelperPath { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath ‘7zip’ ‘7z0.exe’

scoop install or reset to an old version

scoop install python@3.7.6
scoop reset python@3.8.1

Switching Ruby and Python Versions

user mode for choco

system utils

  • where.exe helps you find the path of a command. source
  • manage-bde manage bitlocker device.

external utils


> lisk disk
> select disk 2
> clean
> create partition primary
> format fs=exfat quick
> assign

ref: How to Format a Hard Drive Using the Command Prompt

Resive VHD

PS C:\> Resize-VHD -Path c:\BaseVHDX.vhdx -SizeBytes 20GB


If you are increasing the size of the disk, you will also need to extend the file system to the newly avaiable space.