Catch2是一个C++单元测试框架。话说C++已经有那么测试框架了,为什么还要再创一个新的框架呢? 在Why do we need yet another C++ test framework?作者有所解释。不过我个人的感觉是其他C++单元测试框架大都偏xUnit风格,就是Setup/Teardown那一套,并不是所有人都喜欢。

个人对Catch2的感觉是比较小清新,采用的C++11,整体上比较新潮。另外最近测试界流行了一个新的风格,叫做BDD(Behaviour Driven Development),好像从Ruby开始吹的。Catch2也可以支持这种风格。


#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN  // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one cpp file
#include "catch.hpp"

TEST_CASE( "vectors can be sized and resized", "[vector]" ) {

    std::vector<int> v( 5 );

    REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 );
    REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 );

    SECTION( "resizing bigger changes size and capacity" ) {
        v.resize( 10 );

        REQUIRE( v.size() == 10 );
        REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 );
    SECTION( "resizing smaller changes size but not capacity" ) {
        v.resize( 0 );

        REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 );
        REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 );
    SECTION( "reserving bigger changes capacity but not size" ) {
        v.reserve( 10 );

        REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 );
        REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 );
    SECTION( "reserving smaller does not change size or capacity" ) {
        v.reserve( 0 );

        REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 );
        REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 );




#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN  // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one cpp file
#include "catch.hpp"

(Supplying your own main())[]告诉你如何自定义这个main函数。





通过Test Adapter for Catch2可以在VS2019中的TestExplorer支持Catch2的测试用例。但是需要配置一个.runsettings文件才能工作,具体参考Documentation for Test Adapter for Catch2

另一个参考Best practices for Unit testing with Catch2 in Visual Studio

关于VS2019的参考,在Configure unit tests by using a .runsettings file
